Sunday, July 14, 2024

W1: Vanity Search

20 years ago a question like "have you googled yourself"? Would have been considered strange. Now in the year 2024 the answer to that question, depending on how you answer it would be the strange part. Before this assignment this week I had googled myself once or twice. I may or may not have googled my husband when we started dating. For this assignment, I went to Google and searched "Shatara White". Immediately my Facebook and Instagram pages popped up. I was able to find the website for the school I currently teach at. When I looked at the photos I was shocked that it took me a while to find pictures of me. There were a good number of pictures of different Shataras around the country, but it took a while to find myself. Now, of course, some websites say they can give you information on the person you are looking for if you pay them, those are kind of scary because you can get someone's parents and spouse's name without paying, Imagine what you could get if you did. I think doing searches like this is important and I also think it is good for students to know that what you put out there can be easily found but simply typing your name. 

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