Saturday, July 1, 2023

Tech play 3 Creativity tools

 For this tech play, I explored 3 tools. Goodreads, Canva, and 123 apps. Goodreads is an app that is used for books. Book reviews, book descriptions, and ratings. You as a reader can make an account and track the books that you have read or are currently reading. You can track your progress with the book and when you are done you can give your thoughts. It also has a feature where you can make a challenge for yourself and choose how many books you would like to read. This past school year the librarian at my school made a book challenge for the school and we were able to pick the number of books we wanted to read. We kept up with it by writing them down on paper. The students did the same and some of them drew pictures of the tiles that they had read. After playing with this tool I think it would be good for upper grades in elementary to keep track and to collaborate with other students and the teacher. The app allows you to friend people and they can see your progress and you can discuss what you are reading. The second app that I played with was Canva. Canva was not easy for me to use at all. I saw a lot of templates and I saw that you can customize what you are working on. I could not figure it out. I am not sure if it is me or if the site really is not user-friendly. I feel that if the students are able to figure it out it would be a good tool to be creative with. They can make posters, graphics, and other visuals for class projects. The third o one is This website allows you to record your voice and when you are done you can download it to your computer. I see the pros and cons of this one. The pros are if you are doing an assignment and you want your students to do a recording it is very easy to use you just go to the website the button to start recording is right there, you do not have to find it. Downloading and saving are easy as well. For Chromebooks, it can be saved in the browser for easy access. The con is that most classrooms have ipads that come with a voice recorder app already instead it could come down to preference. To be honest I had a little bit of trouble finding tools this week a lot of tools are not free and some districts may or may not pay for them. 

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