Sunday, August 4, 2024


 This week I was introduced to hyperdocs. Well, introduced is a strong word. I apparently knew what they were, due to using them in PDs and with admin. I was unaware of the proper name for it or that it even had a name. Before this week I had never heard that name before. Just by the name alone, it sounded like a document with a lot of hyperlinks. Don't worry, I know now, that is not what it is. I learned that they are interactive, personalized, engaging lesson plans for students. That can help them be more autonomous. After exploring different hyperdoc tools and templates. I now have a better understanding. I found this week's adventure informative and eye-opening. I was able to learn about a new tool that I will be able to use in my classroom and to be honest, I think hyperdocs can be a tool we can use outside of the classroom as well. 

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