Friday, July 19, 2024

AI Adventure

When it comes to AI, I don't know how I feel about it. On one hand, it can be a great tool when used properly. On the other hand, it scares me. Sometimes it feels like the lines between fake and reality are starting to blur. With that being said, I had fun with the AI exploration that was done for this week's blog post. We were asked to explore different AI tools and report our findings. The first AI I used was Copilot on This AI can be used to generate different images from what you type in, giving it what you are looking for. The first search I did was of a Texas K12 teacher. The image it gave me was not very diverse. I could see the bias that it may have, with it giving me all males wearing cowboy hats. 

Since it did not give me any women I decided to search the same thing but added women to it. Again the search was not very diverse. I thought when it said to be as specific as possible, I assumed that meant hair color or if you wanted a certain outfit. I was shocked to see that the results were so stereotypical I am also shocked it didn't stick a bluebonnet on her dress. 

The next AI site I played around with was This is a resource for teachers to get instructional materials to use. I had never heard of this website before and I was happy with how user-friendly it was. The topic I searched was "making inferences". This is a topic I teach and every year I am trying to find new resources to use. I like that once you search your topic it gives you a lot of materials that you can use. The next AI that I got a chance to explore was ChatGPT. I asked it to write me a 400-word essay on why reading literacy is low in the United States. The response was fast, and I have to admit it was a good response. It wrote about the lack of reading and access to resources. Now, of course, it is an AI so it lacks the human tone that makes it feel less like facts are being thrown at you. Other than that it gave me what I asked for so I can't complain. 

In conclusion, even through AI has started to make its way into different spaces in different ways such as images and text. I feel that I could have more use for the text form of AI. I feel that there are improvements that can be made for AI and images. 

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